As many of you know Alyssa joined the gymnastics team this summer & had her first meet in December, she has 3 meets this month, 2 next month, & she is hoping to go to state in March. Well after jotting down her scores in the program at the first meet, i thought it would be neat to have a record book to record all her scores in one place, so she can compare her scores meet to meet. I'm still deciding exactly how i want to fill this, of course i will scrap the pictures in an album, but i think for this i want a page for each meet & it to include: the meet name, place, session times,events & scores and maybe one picture of her each time from the meet to show her growth after time, as her hopes are to do this for a long time?!
Any ideas of anything else i could include? I'm going to transfer her first meet scores over before this weekend & then go from there...
ooh maybe i'll record her thoughts before the meet (excited, nervous, ect..) & then her thoughts after the meet ~ kinda like a little diary of her thoughts & feelings.

Paper, ribbon, transparency, stickers all i have been hoarding in my stash for a loong while.
That is such a cute idea! i had a journal for all my track stuff. of course it wasnt as cute lol.
Good idea. To keep track of it as you go along. She will love looking at. It is really cute.
You are the queen!!! This is such a neat idea!
Awesome idea ~ what a great keepsake!! How about having the girls she competes with "autograph" a page in her book. Or words from her coach?
I'm blown away, She will love this even more as she gets to be out ages.
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