Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 4......

Okay call me a slacker now there are~ no, none, zilcho pics from today........

but this is what my day consisted of:
-alarm off 5:45am
-snooze, snooze, snooze, out of bed at 6:30am (mind you had 2 extra kids in bed with me this morning, Izzy had an accident & joined us in the wee hours of the night & i awoke to Olivia crying at 5:30 am because Izzy wasn't sleepin' in her room:( )
-School Picture day making sure all hair is in place, ect.., make lunches, back bookbags.
-home from bus stop me, Izzy & Olivia eat breakfast.
-then i make beds & finish last minute details before my yearbook meeting.
-10:00 AM meet with a yearbook company rep~boy there is a lot of possibilities(very excited as my new adventure as yearbook designer unfolds)
-she leaves & my mom comes over to scrapbook, well that didn't work out to well on my end~ i decided to change things up & try to scrapbook down in my scraproom~ the kids didn't like that to well, they needed to be by their toys & movies. So we decide my mom must come back tonight after kiddos in bed :0 :)
-mom leaves, we leave for bus stop, then go to bank before heading to gymnastics
-Gymnastics for Madilynn, Isabelle, & Olivia from 4 -5pm , Madilynn & Isabelle are doing great~Olivia on the other hand needs to practice her following directions & listening skills~i think it's good for her though, if she don't get kicked out~ her teacher has a lot more patience than i do....
-home for dinner, made frozen pizza, Madilynn finished her reading to me, while i got dinner ready & did up the afternoon dishes.
-kids played a bit, watcheda little bit of tv, got pjs on & brushed teeth.
Bed Time, Woo Hoo!!
-Scrap Book with mom from 8 ish -11:30pm
2 ~12 x 12 pages complete & 3 EDS pages, that's pretty good (will post soon)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh my...what a are so brave to try scrapbooking with 2 kids at home!